Research studies
This ‘Nutrition & Health’ research studies database aims at keeping you up-to-date with the most important studies in this area, published around the world. To find the information you look for you can use either the search engine below to look for specific words or the provided key words on the right.
Criteria: cholesterol
Cholesterol-lowering properties of different pectin types in mildly hyper-cholesterolemic men and women (2014)
Hypocholesterolaemic effects of lupin protein and pea protein/fibre combinations in moderately hypercholesterolaemic individuals (2013)
Daily consumption of apple, pear and orange juice differently affects plasma lipids and antioxidant capacity of smoking and non-smoking adults (2010)
Mini-review: The effects of apples on plasma cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk – a review of the evidence (2009)
Fruit and vegetable intake and serum cholesterol levels: a cross-sectional study in the Diet, Cancer and Health cohort (2009)
Apple Juice Consumption Reduces Plasma Low Density Lipoprotein Oxidation in Healthy Men and Women (2000)
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